Having good credit is important when applying for loans, but how do you build credit without having a credit history? Hickam Federal Credit Union provides first time borrowers an opportunity to build their credit through the First Time Borrower Program. This
program is designed to assist borrowers without a conventional credit score by obtaining their first automobile loan, first credit card, or first personal loan with Hickam Federal Credit Union. These loans will be structured according to your income
and be within your means with terms you can afford. All loans are subject to qualifications and credit approval.
Cars take us from home to work to school to play. Our First Time Borrower Program will help you get your first set of wheels. Get pre-approved for a new or used auto loan with Hickam FCU. This will make your dealership experience quicker and easier!
Contact us to learn more.
Repayment method via Pre-Authorized Transfer from a Hickam FCU checking account is required.
Personal loans are great for when you need money to pay for a necessity up-front. This loan is great for paying for tuition, home improvements, emergencies, and more
Contact us to learn more.
Repayment method via Pre-Authorized Transfer from a Hickam FCU checking account is required.
First time borrowers may apply for the Hickam FCU Access Mastercard®. It's a great starter credit card for those with little to no credit history (subject to certain terms and conditions). Like all of our credit cards, our Access Mastercard® has no annual fee.